Our last reports and studies
26 juillet 2023
The Defender publishes an annual report to give an account of its action and thematic reports to deepen a specific subject of law.
Thematic reports
- Children’s Report 2024 - Children's right to a healthy environment : Protecting children, safeguarding the future (pdf, 14.66 Mo)
- Report - Algorithms, AI systems and public services: what rights do users have ? Critical considerations and recommendations (2024) (pdf, 1.45 Mo)
- The protection of whistleblowers in France - Biennial report 2022-2023 (pdf, 2 Mo)
- Report - Biometrics: the urge to safeguard fundamental rights - july 2021 (pdf, 841.25 Ko)
- Parallel report - Examination of the initial report by France on the implementation of the CRPD - july 2021 (pdf, 1.19 Mo)
- Report - Travellers: breaking down barriers to rights - october 2021 (pdf, 1.32 Mo)
- Report - For effective protection of the rights of Roma - december 2021 (pdf, 857.25 Ko)
- Report - Dematerialisation of public services: three years later, where are we? (pdf, 1.68 Mo)
- Report of the Defender of Rights to the United Nations Committee - july 2020 (pdf, 1.04 Mo)
- External police oversight agencies: emergence and consolidation A comparative study of 25 agencies in 20 countries - Synthesis (pdf, 454.97 Ko)
- The fundamental rights of foreigners in France - 2016 (pdf, 311.43 Ko)
- English summary - Childhood and violence : the part played by public institutions (pdf, 1.07 Mo)
- Rapport - Algorithmes : prévenir l’automatisation des discriminations - 2020 (pdf, 267.6 Ko)
- Algorithms: preventing automated discrimination - 2020 (pdf, 317.87 Ko)
Presentation materials and tools
- The Defender of Rights - A unique system for protecting rights and freedoms - 2020 (pdf, 1.05 Mo)
- Flyer - Upholding rights and freedoms - 2022 (pdf, 164.85 Ko)
- Flyer - Defending and promoting the rights of the child - 2022 (pdf, 209.54 Ko)
- Flyer - Upholding respect for the ethics of security - 2022 (pdf, 202.18 Ko)
- Flyer - Combating discrimination and promoting equality - 2022 (pdf, 188.21 Ko)
- Flyer - Defending the rights of users of public services - 2022 (pdf, 170.29 Ko)